Why DISC Sometimes Isn’t Always Enough

May 16, 2019 3:25:23 PM | DISC Profile Why DISC Sometimes Isn’t Always Enough

Why is DISC not enough? Yes, but if you were to make a decision to data a solely on their snapshot, wouldn't you be considered a little shallow?

Imagine going on a first date armed with nothing but a photograph of your date. Sure, a picture can reveal some things, but basing your entire decision on that one snapshot might seem a bit shallow. If you were truly interested in building a meaningful connection, wouldn’t you want to learn more about the person—understanding their passions, their history, likes and dislikes, and even their habits? There's so much more to a person than what a single image can capture.

DISC works much the same way. While it provides an insightful behavioral snapshot, it's just the beginning of understanding someone’s true nature. To build strong relationships, effective teams, and a cohesive work environment, you need more than just that initial view.

Not All Behavior is Observable

Think of behavior like an iceberg: what’s visible above the surface is just a small part of the whole. DISC represents the observable actions and traits, much like the tip of the iceberg. Beneath the surface lie deeper elements—TEAMS, VALUES, and BAI (Behavioral Attitude Index)—which delve into the more profound, less visible aspects of personality and behavior. These elements provide insight into the motivations, attitudes, and internal drivers that aren’t immediately apparent but are crucial for understanding the complete picture.

That’s why we recommend the 4D Report. This advanced tool uncovers the entire iceberg, providing a comprehensive four-dimensional perspective. The 4D Report goes beyond what’s immediately visible, offering insights into behaviors, motivations, thinking styles, and emotional intelligence—elements that are critical for developing a thorough understanding of the individuals you work with, hire, train, or interact with regularly.

Why settle for just the tip of the iceberg when you can have the full-dimensional view with depth?

PeopleKeys brings that 2-dimensional picture to life in 4-dimensions—something no other DISC provider offers. Instead of relying on dozens of limited snapshots, imagine having 1,440 unique data points to truly understand each individual you encounter.

If you haven’t experienced this comprehensive view, start today with the PeopleKeys 4D Report.

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Brad Smith

Written By: Brad Smith

Bradley Smith, Ph.D. is President & Co-founder of PeopleKeys.