How DISC Personality Types Approach Holiday Shopping

Dec 20, 2021 4:12:26 PM | DISC Profile

How DISC Personality Types Approach Holiday Shopping

DISC personality types are predictable in many ways, including how they complete their holiday shopping.

DISC personality testing can be used for a seemingly endless number of applications. DISC can be a powerful tool for personal growth, employee testing, sales training, leadership training, and can even be used as a vetting tool during the hiring process, but this is really just the tip of the iceberg. Once you have a working knowledge of the different types of DISC personalities, it becomes easy to predict how people will behave in almost any situation.

Take shopping as an example. With the holidays fast approaching, many of us turn our minds towards buying gifts for friends and loved ones. Some of us have all of our shopping finished by December 1, while others wait until the last minute to scoop up their gifts. Everyone has a different method that they’re most comfortable with. This leads to the question: How can DISC personality analysis be used to predict how the people in your life will approach holiday shopping?

D Style Personalities

People that score a high D on a DISC personality test are confident, straightforward, and able to make quick decisions. D personality types also tend to be impatient and not overly sentimental. When it comes to shopping, these traits can be both positive and negative.

  • D styles don't place a great deal of importance on giving or receiving presents. Ideally, they prefer to find someone else to do the shopping for them (a spouse or sibling).
  • When D styles do shop for presents, the process doesn't take long. They are very unlikely to spend all day at the mall looking for the perfect gift. They are decisive and will buy the first appropriate gift they find.
  • D personality types don't feel compelled to bargain shop. They’d rather purchase gifts quickly than invest time and effort in saving a few dollars.
  • D types are efficient and prefer to shop online, directly from a wish list if possible.

I Style Personalities

For I styles, the gift-giving process is very different from that of D styles. I personality types are people-oriented and outgoing and are likely to look forward to the gift-buying process much more than the D (who just wants to get it over with). Although I styles are notoriously prone to procrastination, they are also eager to please, and want the gifts that they give and receive to be personal and thoughtful.

  • I personality types are likely to spend a lot of time looking for the perfect gifts for everyone on their lists. Gifts from I types tend to be fun, funny, or lighthearted.
  • I styles prefer to go holiday shopping with other people or a group of friends.
  • I style enjoy giving thoughtful presents, but tend to procrastinate. This makes them the personality type most likely to be out last-minute shopping.
  • While out shopping for presents, I types may not be able to resist picking up one or two presents for themselves, too.

S Style Personalities

S styles are family-oriented and loyal. They don’t like change or confrontation and place a high value on personal relationships. S personalities are typically very thoughtful gift-givers. Tradition is important to S types, and gifts they give often have to do with home and family.

  • S styles prefer holiday shopping online, as the crowds are too chaotic and stressful for them.
  • S personality styles are good listeners and know what everyone on their lists wants without being told.
  • S styles enjoy buying gifts for people and have a keen eye for knowing what others would love.
  • S personality types are not impulsive and will take the time to comparison shop for the best deal.

C Style Personalities

C personality styles are detail-oriented, organized, and advanced planners. They have the act of gift-giving down to a science and are the DISC style most likely to have all their holiday shopping finished by the beginning of December.

  • C styles enjoy gathering and organizing information. They prefer to do research before buying gifts and will spend time checking consumer ratings, comparing like models, and choosing the best products available.
  • C personality types keep a detailed list to shop from and don’t make any impulsive purchases.
  • C styles plan ahead. They often buy gifts throughout the year and stash them away to avoid the holiday rush.
  • C personality styles are thorough and conscientious. They never deliberately leave anyone off their shopping list or send a gift out late.

Which DISC shopping style pattern above do you tend to follow? How about your friends and family? What other unconventional daily applications of DISC testing have you used?

Not sure what gifts to get the different personality styles on your holiday shopping list? Check out this list of 31 of the Ultimate, Must-Have Gift Ideas by Personality Types, developed by one of our DISC family coach partners, Ashley Logsdon with Mama Says Namaste.


Written By: PeopleKeys

Over 40 years as a world leader in behavioral analysis, unlocking human potential and creating stronger teams!