4 Goals You Can Set for the New Year

Dec 26, 2022 2:01:11 PM | Professional Growth

4 Goals You Can Set for the New Year

If you are in a goal-setting process, here are some suggested focus areas for setting new goals based upon your primary DISC personality style.

As we're wrapping up the year and about to start a new one, it is time to reevaluate our goals and adjust or set new ones. Here are some suggested focus areas for setting new goals based upon your primary DISC personality style:

Build upon your strengths

While it’s always easy to see our flaws and want to improve them, choose instead to maximize your impact with the strengths you bring to this world. Here are some suggestions based on your DISC style:

  • D style Focus more on not only seeing the big picture for the next 3, 5, or 10 years but challenge yourself to describe your thinking to others. This gets them to begin to think of the big picture, too, and support the vision.
  • I style Maybe you can lead a fun workplace activity or contest, or get your extended family together for an engaging outing during the deep winter period. Whatever you choose, put a number to your goal of how many of these types of positive engagements you will do over the coming year.
  • S styleThis year, consider looking for opportunities to share some of your secrets, tips, and tricks of “getting it done” with others. Once you share how you overcome the same struggles as others, you’ll build stronger connections. Think about doing a lunch and learn webinar, an online course, or writing a blog.
  • C styleIn the new decade, use your analytical skills not only to show people the reality of an idea but to find a way it can actually work. Then throw the key details that need to be adjusted on the table for the group to work through to make things come together.

Communicate better

As noted above, making your thinking visible to others is key for creating understanding among your team. Here are some quick tips for communicating better this year:

  • D style – Slow down and include the details you think are unnecessary. Others will appreciate the insight into your decisions.
  • I style – You have a natural inclination for communication. In your case, communicating better might mean stepping back and letting others offer their input.
  • S style – One part of your communication that will benefit you this year will be clarity on boundaries and advocating for what you want. Once you get past your discomfort, you’ll feel better at the end of the day that you feel fairly treated.
  • C style – Instead of pointing out the missing details, verbally support the idea and become curious about how they want to proceed. This creates a dialog rather than shutting it down.

Don’t hold back

Where are you holding back when you should be courageously stepping forward? Choose a goal from this category as a stretch goal and put together a plan to achieve it.

  • D style – Give up some of your decision-making power and give it to a sub-team or another person who will benefit from making more decisions. While this sounds like holding back, you’re actually stretching to let others take charge.
  • I style – Put yourself out there to share your enthusiasm even when you don’t know how it will be received. Be ready for uncomfortable feedback, but stay on your positive side and watch how others come around.
  • S style – Big changes ahead for the team? Step up and show your leadership and support for the new idea. People already know you get things done, and when they see you embracing change, they’ll get behind the idea quickly.
  • C style – Stop looking in the past. Your experience and skillset are your biggest win from it, but now it’s time to apply all these amazing lessons in the present and build your future ahead.

Don’t give up

What goal did you set last year that wasn’t achieved? Take a fresh look at it and find a way to persevere. “Overnight success” can sometimes take 7 years to accomplish.

  • D style – You may feel it’s too late to build consensus with the team as opposed to just deciding yourself but try again. Yes, the team is used to your quick decision-making but will welcome this change with open arms.
  • I style – Maybe fewer team members are listening to you now because you do all the talking, even though you want to change this. Rejuvenate your goal of having others offer ideas and opinions. It will feel awkward at first to not have you at the center, but both you and the team will quickly get over it and soar.
  • S style – If you still aren’t happy with how quickly you embrace change, refocus on this goal by taking action quickly. Stuck in your head about the change? Use Mel Robbins’ trick of “5-4-3-2-1-BLASTOFF!” and take action when the countdown ends.
  • C style – Last year, you wanted to change how much time you spent on the details. It’s difficult to do this by yourself (and you are used to doing things by yourself), so pair up with someone you trust to help hold you accountable for this renewed goal.


Written By: PeopleKeys

Over 40 years as a world leader in behavioral analysis, unlocking human potential and creating stronger teams!