3 Keys to a Successful Interview with Behavioral Awareness

Mar 3, 2022 12:20:09 PM | Professional Growth

3 Keys to a Successful Interview with Behavioral Awareness

Utilizing DISC Theory and behavioral principles will provide you a more relaxed approach as you take on the interview process.

Job interviews, regardless of how experienced you are in life, can be nerve-racking, stressful, and seemingly difficult for most people. Utilizing DISC Theory and behavioral principles will provide you a more relaxed approach as you take on the interview process. The more confident you are in yourself, the better your interview will go. As you prepare for your next interview, here are three crucial things to discover about yourself and your future employer using observable behavior and the DISC assessment:

Gain Confidence Through Self-Awareness

Most people can agree the most daunting part of an interview is being asked questions about yourself. Many people struggle to respond to questions about their strengths, qualities, and weaknesses, simply because they are unaware of them. Taking the DISC assessment is a sure way to clarify who YOU are as a person and as a worker. Answering the more difficult questions can be a lot less painful with self-awareness. Besides, fully understanding yourself will provide you with the confidence you need to impress your interviewer. When asked about your strengths and weaknesses, you can confidently respond with what you can bring to the table, and what you are working to improve as an individual and employee.

Inventory Your Soft Skill Strengths

Knowing your current soft skills strengths is essential for taking on your next interview. Critical thinking, values awareness, and time-management are just some of the most important soft skills for candidates to possess. Look to your DISC report to inventory what soft-skills your personality style already has developed. For example, D styles are good problem-solvers, I styles know how to uphold a positive attitude, S styles have excellent listening skills, and C styles pay immaculate attention to detail. When it comes to hiring, employers look for different qualities. Incorporating and understanding your unique personality traits and soft skills can ensure success and making a solid impression.

Understand the Hiring Manager’s Personality

While the questioning process is intimidating, what seems even more uneasy is meeting the interviewer or hiring manager. While it is unnerving to be interviewed by a stranger, it may help to have a better understanding of who they might be. Having a generalized knowledge of the DISC styles can better compose you for the interview and how you communicate with your interviewer. You can guess their style during the preliminary phone calls, emails, or texts you may have shared with your future employer. For example, a friendly attitude with a personal touch can conclude your interviewer might be an I or S style, as they are people-centric. If you find your interactions being brief, to-the-point, and not overly personal, the interviewer might be a D style. The C style might be someone who asks more task-related questions but wants more detail about you. Figuring out the type of interviewer you have and how to communicate with them can lead to a much smoother interview.

Interviews are not easy. They are full of excitement, uncertainty, and even experience. DISC offers new ways to tackle the interview process and guarantees success. Prepare better for your next interview by knowing your DISC style, improving on your soft skills, and learning how to communicate with other personality styles.

Christina Haught

Written By: Christina Haught

Christina is one of our Gen Z contributors, providing insight into the minds of our youngest generation coming into the workforce. She enjoys writing, cross-country running and snuggling with her two dogs, Oscar and Cheyenne. Personality Style: CS