PeopleKeys Blog

Manage and Motivate Millennials Using Behavioral Attitude Index

Written by Shanna Bennell | Jul 13, 2017 8:06:20 PM

Everyone is different. We all know this. But as research on behavior and personality teaches us, we are predictably different. This is true not only for individuals, but of generations. Individuals within a generation will be different from one another. But there are some characteristics that make each generation distinct.

Who are the Millennials?

"Millennials"  includes people born between the early 80’s and the early 00’s. Millennials have had many articles written about them. Some of these articles compliment them, some insult, some are just descriptive. The articles are about everything from why Millennials are getting married later to why they seem to love the color pink. While these articles are about everything under the sun, they sometimes touch on an interesting fact. Millennials have very high turnover at work.

We’ve worked with hundreds of businesses in our almost 40 years of experience. We noticed a trend- Baby Boomer Managers were having trouble keeping Millennial employees. We wanted to know why. And we wanted to know what we could do about it.

Why do Millennials have high turnover?

We found that many Millennials will not stay at a job long term if they do not have work-life balance. To understand, motivate, and manage this generation, employers and managers needed to understand the Millennials. They need to understand each person's hidden motivators, passions, and values.

As worldwide personality and hiring experts, we created a new tool for this. We designed it specifically for managing and motivating Millennials in the workforce. The Behavioral Attitude Index (BAI) Assessment and resulting I-SPEAK management report addresses the needs of a changing workforce.  

What tools and resources are available to help Managers with Millennial employees?

The newly released Behavioral Attitudes Index (BAI) and its I-SPEAK report gives power to Managers.  It creates understanding about how their workers think, how to motivate them, and who to hire in the first place.

Millennials (aged 22-40) are quickly moving through the corporate ranks as Baby Boomers retire. But they don’t always stay in one position. PeopleKeys’ BAI assessment was able to show why= their position didn't meet their key values.

Motivating Millennial Employees and Bridging Generation Gaps

 It's easier for Managers and hiring professionals once the employee or candidate takes the BAI assessment,. They see how this employee fits within their company culture, and how they will do in specific work environments. Managers know how to motivate their employees after seeing the report. For example, they will see who is motivated by the incentive of a bonus. They can see who would be more motivated by being given the opportunity for flexible hours, and who might be more motivated by being given a leadership position, etc.

PeopleKeys' Director of International Business, Dr. Brad Smith, adds, “Studies showMillennials enthusiastically perform their duties when personal passions fit with job role and corporate culture. If their I-SPEAK assessment shows that their job matches with their I-SPEAK values (Inner Awareness, Social, Political, Economic, Artistic, Knowledge) they are motivated and thrive. If it doesn’t, then their productivity goes down.”

The I-SPEAK/BAI report is available on PeopleKeys’ DISCInsights page. Hiring, motivating and keeping the right employees is easier with the right tools.